
英文含义 tooa的全称:temporal object-oriented algebra | 中文...
英文含义 toob的全称:teach out of the box (workshops and c...
英文含义 tooc的全称:toronto ontario olympic council (toro...
英文含义 toof的全称:time out of force (insurance) | 中文意思:...
英文含义 toog的全称:technical operations office group | 中...
英文含义 tooh的全称:the obliteration of humanity (album) ...
英文含义 tooi的全称:taxonomy of obvious ideas | 中文意思:───明...
英文含义 took的全称:the opinions of the one known | 中文意思:...
英文含义 tool的全称:test object oriented library | 中文意思:─...
英文含义 toom的全称:turisticka organizacija opstine majda...